Milestones of our history
The changing face of EOS in the course of time
Not forgetting our roots and retaining our tradition will always be of great importance.
Come with us on a trip through the company's history, with many highlights and successes.

Introduction of the EOS Superior portfolio
The new high-end sauna heaters convey pure elegance and luxury. They combine aesthetics, quality and functionality in equal measure – with the use of highest quality materials and the most careful manufacturing.
As individual as your needs – launch of the sauna heater series EOS Selection – EOS Selection offers you a brand new innovative concept – spec your sauna heater by yourselves to suit your preferences and your individual sauna design.
Acquisition of the share majority of the companies of EOS Group by Harvia. Creation of the biggest full-range provider in the sauna industry all over the world.
EOSafe L – safety system for the monitoring of sauna heaters – is awarded with the Golden Wave 2019.
Design meets capacity – launch of the most powerful electric sauna heater – EOS Mega, with a capacity of up to 72 kW and an opulent stone volume of 120 kg for powerful and intensive infusions.
KUSATEK realizes the 14-meter-long gas-powered sauna heater, the only one in the world so far.
Relocation of SPATRONIC’s production site from Frankfurt to Driedorf.

Entry in the development and production of steam generators.
Acquisition of SPATRONIC.
Acquisition of KUSATEK.
EOS Mythos is accoladed with the iF Design Award.
Launch of the design sauna heater EOS Mythos with a unique cubistic design of the sauna stones – awarded with the Golden Wave 2013.
EOS Werke Günther GmbH becomes to EOS Saunatechnik GmbH.
EOS invents a system for remote start with maximum safety features for standing heaters – the first safety device worldwide.
EOS EmoTouch, the first sauna control unit with a touchscreen –further development of remote start via phone.
EOS develops the mill sauna on the market – the first sauna heater with infusion automatic and show character.
Foundation of the Russian sales company EOS PREMIUM SPA TECHNOLOGY

Creation of EOS EmoTec, the first sauna control unit with a multilingual input option and a digital display.
Besides quality and power, the design of sauna heaters comes more to the foreground – the first sauna heater with special iron painting was produced.
Extension of the product range including hidden heaters with a capacity of up to 36 kW.
Development and production of the first patent-protected steam system as the forerunner of today's sauna heaters with steam system.
The production of the first sauna heater for the Finnish sauna marks the decisive entry into the sauna and spa industry.
EOS starts with the production of oil radiators for the international market.
The founding family produces stamped and sheet metal parts, kitchen mobiles, cooking pots and other household appliances in the basement of their house before moving to the first production building in 1948.